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Scottish Engineering Leaders Award 2017

Nearly 12,000 pupils entered their engineering solutions into the Scottish Engineering Leaders Award this year, up 40% on the previous year. The competition received almost double the entries at Secondary level compared to previous years. The Awards Ceremony on Friday 2nd June kicked off the most successful Leaders Award exhibition ever with over 700 people visiting to see the shortlisted entries and winners.

At the Award Ceremony, the Masters students (the Proto Team) from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Strathclyde unveiled their project, a Roll Over Bench (aka R.O.B), based on the design by Grace Finlay (a 2016 winner), along with Grace herself and Quaker Oats engineers who supported the school Grace attends.

As we start to expand in Edinburgh and the east coast of Scotland, we look forward to the competition going from strength to strength in 2018!

To find all the winners for the Scottish Engineering Leaders Award please click here

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