3D Printing Charles Hull
Charles (“Chuck”) Hull co-founded by the inventor of 3D printing.
Hull, who was then working at a company that used UV light to apply thin sheets of plastic veneers onto table tops, furniture and paper products, realised that if he was able to overlay thousands of these laminate layers on top of each other and etch their shape using UV light, he could form three-dimensional objects in nearly any conceivable form. Today stereolithography has become the state of the art for prototyping new models – and an industry in itself. https://www.epo.org/learning-events/european-inventor/finalists/2014/hull.html
Interview with Charles Hull http://edition.cnn.com/2014/02/13/tech/innovation/the-night-i-invented-3d-printing-chuck-hall/index.html
Shaili Khimani a year 6 pupil from Beaumont Primary School in Greater Manchester. Her invention is the Cake ‘O’ Maker is a machine which develops and produces a design made from icing to go on your cake. Inspired by laser cutters and 3D printers, this product all together uses C.A.D. C.A.M. software just like other existing machines.
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