This award, funded by The Reece Foundation, invites pupils from Primary and Secondary schools in the north-east of England to be inspired by an engineer from a local industry. They can then apply an engineer’s eye to the world and identify problems in need of solving. When they have settled on their idea, they draw and annotate it, making clear what the problem is and their unique solution to it.
All entries we receive will be awarded certificates, some will achieve Merits and Distinctions. A panel chooses two great ideas from each year group. These winners are presented with awards as part of a private show and awards day, followed by a public exhibition. For more information about the North East Primary Engineer and Secondary Engineer Leaders Award please click below and register now for 2019-2020 competition or email for more information.
Primary Engineer and the Leaders Award extend their thanks to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Siemens, The EEF, Nissan, SEVCON, Elring Klinger, the NE Automotive Alliance and many other NE industries for their support. The aim is to inspire pupils with the extraordinary careers available to them in the region, meet engineers and understand their career paths and motivation.

This award, funded by The Reece Foundation, invites pupils from Primary and Secondary schools in the north-east of England to be inspired by an engineer from a local industry. They can then apply an engineer’s eye to the world and identify problems in need of solving. When they have settled on their idea, they draw and annotate it, making clear what the problem is and their unique solution to it.
All entries we receive will be awarded certificates, some will achieve Merits and Distinctions. A panel chooses two great ideas from each year group. These winners are presented with awards as part of a private show and awards day, followed by a public exhibition. For more information about the North East Primary Engineer and Secondary Engineer Leaders Award please click below and register now for 2019-2020 competition or email for more information.
Primary Engineer and the Leaders Award extend their thanks to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Siemens, The EEF, Nissan, SEVCON, Elring Klinger, the NE Automotive Alliance and many other NE industries for their support. The aim is to inspire pupils with the extraordinary careers available to them in the region, meet engineers and understand their career paths and motivation.



Newcastle High School for Girls Junior School
Child Animation Needle Cover

Bo is a reception pupil from Newcastle High School for Girls Junior School has designed the ‘Child Animation Needle Cover’ this clever but simple device is ideal for children, or adults, that are nervous about receiving injections. The needle is masked within the cover chosen from a range of options from heroes to animals and the syringe and needle are not seen whilst the injecting of medicines is performed.
Newcastle High School for Girls Junior School
Glow In The Dark Glasses

Poppy, a reception pupil at Newcastle High School for Girls Junior School has designed the ‘Glow in the Dark Glasses’ holder which stores your glasses safely and conveniently in an illuminated low-light holder which is easy for any glasses wearer to locate in the dark.
Seaburn Dene Primary School
Space Dough

Caden from year one at Seaburn Dene Primary School has designed ‘Space Dough’ this safe to handle substance will stick to all surfaces and anchor those necessary items that you need to stay in one place in all zero-gravity situations.
Dame Allan’s Junior School
Alien Plastic Waste Toy Maker

Samuel from year one at Dame Allan’s Junior School has designed ‘Alien Plastic Waste Roy Maker’ this device will encourage children to recycle their old and broken plastic toys as it makes new ones from the donated materials.
Dame Allan’s Junior School
The Bounce Back Belt

Joshua a year two pupil from Dame Allan’s Junior School has designed the ‘Bounce Back Belt’ to help his Great, Great Auntie. It’s a belt with built in airbags which deploy if an elderly or infirm person falls over, to stop the person injuring themselves.
Greenfields Community Primary School
The Dark Helper

Lydia, a year 2 pupil from Greenfields Community Primary School has designed ‘The Dark Helper’ to reduce the fear of the dark with low-light projected images of stars and colours that fill the walls of the room whilst providing a soothing atmosphere for sleep.
Newcastle High School for Girls Junior School
Voice Activated Bathroom

Cameron a year three pupil at Newcastle High School for Girls Junior School designed the ‘Voice Activated Bathroom’ this highly functional bathroom embraces voice activation technology to reduce cross contamination of germs and allergens in a multi-user environment. There is no need to hand-operate any of the bathroom facilities and encounter or pass on germs.
Westfield School

Jessica, a year three pupil from Westfield School designed the ‘Blot’ is a device to help people with severe speech or hearing difficulties. This communication device converts speech to text and text to speech on a visual tablet with multiple communication inputs to be accessible to people with a range of communication difficulties.
St. Teresa’s Catholic Primary School
The Forget Me Not

Emily a year four pupil, from St. Teresa’s Catholic Primary School has designed ‘The Forget Me Not’ this device connects via Velcro to the child’s school bag and is programmed to remember the items needed on each day of the week for school.
Broadway East First School
Techno Tooth Brush

Isobel is a year four pupil at Broadway East First School designed the ‘Techno Tooth Brush’ which stores a number of tunes which it shows on a display panel. The user selects a song and brushes along. After 2 minutes a buzzer is activated to show that the required amount of brushing has been achieved and a performance score of toothbrushing is displayed to show the effectiveness of the exercise.
Hadrian Park Primary School
The Energy Power Creator

Caitlin, a year five pupil, attends Hadrian Park Primary School designed ‘The Energy Power Creator’ uses hydroelectric principles within a domestic situation utilising drainpipes from gutters. A rotating spindle is attached to a small generator and the force of the rainwater plus gravity causes the spindle to rotate and electricity is generated. This could be enough to power a light or charge a battery.
Bothal Primary School
Medicine Reminder

Kayla-Jay is a year five pupil from Bothal Primary School designed the ‘Medicine Reminder’ a dispensing machine for people who may forget when to take their tablets. The memory of the machine is loaded with the daily schedule and programmed with times that each individual tablet
is to be taken.
St. Teresa’s Catholic Primary School

Alexander is a year six pupil at St. Teresa’s Catholic Primary School who designed the ‘Purifa’ a device replaces the traditional plastic rings that hold beer and other canned drinks together. These plastic devices often find their way into the oceans harming sea creatures or are dispatched into landfill.
Dame Allan’s Junior School
Rugby Safe

James, year six pupil, attends Dame Allan’s Junior School designed ‘Rugby Safe’ a Headguard, to be worn by Rugby players, looks and works as a protector worn by Rugby players currently, however, this helmet is fitted with sensors which detect levels of impact that could cause a concussion.
Dame Allan’s Secondary School
Food-IE Printer

Charlotte, is a year seven student from Dame Allan’s Secondary School who designed the ‘Food-IE Printer’ that uses ingredients within the fridge or kitchen cupboards at any one time to create a fabulous meal. The machine is connected to an app which allows the user to match the ingredients they have to recipe ingredients.
Dame Allan’s Secondary School
Specky For Eyes

Sophie is a year seven student attending Dame Allan’s Secondary School. She has designed ‘Specky For Eyes’ which could help people needing glasses of certain prescriptions for either eye in third world countries where electricity is hard to source to power conventional equipment used by Opticians.
Monkseaton Middle School
Active Energy

Iris a year eight student who attends Monkseaton Middle School, has designed ‘Active Energy’ that uses pedal technology to generate electricity to power a range of devices or charge a battery for later use. The motion to rotate the pedals is from human muscle power and the more power generated the fitter the nation becomes.
St. Cuthbert’s Catholic High School
Tape Wire

Samuel, a year nine student from St. Cuthbert’s Catholic High School, has designed ‘Tape Wire’ instead of running long electrical extension cables across floors creating tripping hazards use tape-wire instead. This can adhere to skirting-boards around the perimeter of a room or on walls. It does not remove paint or paper and it does not leave a sticky residue behind.
Bo Joynson
Newcastle High School for Girls Junior School
Child Animation Needle Cover

Bo Joynson is a reception pupil from Newcastle High School for Girls Junior School has designed the ‘Child Animation Needle Cover’ this clever but simple device is ideal for children, or adults, that are nervous about receiving injections. The needle is masked within the cover chosen from a range of options from heroes to animals and the syringe and needle are not seen whilst the injecting of medicines is performed.
Poppy Charlton
Newcastle High School for Girls Junior School
Glow In The Dark Glasses

Poppy Charlton, a reception pupil at Newcastle High School for Girls Junior School has designed the ‘Glow in the Dark Glasses’ holder which stores your glasses safely and conveniently in an illuminated low-light holder which is easy for any glasses wearer to locate in the dark.
Caden W
Seaburn Dene Primary School
Space Dough

Caden W from year one at Seaburn Dene Primary School has designed ‘Space Dough’ this safe to handle substance will stick to all surfaces and anchor those necessary items that you need to stay in one place in all zero-gravity situations.
Samuel Dresser
Dame Allan’s Junior School
Alien Plastic Waste Toy Maker

Samuel Dresser from year one at Dame Allan’s Junior School has designed ‘Alien Plastic Waste Roy Maker’ this device will encourage children to recycle their old and broken plastic toys as it makes new ones from the donated materials.
Joshua Downie
Dame Allan’s Junior School
The Bounce Back Belt

Joshua Downie a year two pupil from Dame Allan’s Junior School has designed the ‘Bounce Back Belt’ to help his Great, Great Auntie. It’s a belt with built in airbags which deploy if an elderly or infirm person falls over, to stop the person injuring themselves.
Lydia Wilson
Greenfields Community Primary School
The Dark Helper

Lydia Wilson, a year 2 pupil from Greenfields Community Primary School has designed ‘The Dark Helper’ to reduce the fear of the dark with low-light projected images of stars and colours that fill the walls of the room whilst providing a soothing atmosphere for sleep.
Cameron Haydon
Newcastle High School for Girls Junior School
Voice Activated Bathroom

Cameron Haydon a year three pupil at Newcastle High School for Girls Junior School designed the ‘Voice Activated Bathroom’ this highly functional bathroom embraces voice activation technology to reduce cross contamination of germs and allergens in a multi-user environment. There is no need to hand-operate any of the bathroom facilities and encounter or pass on germs.
Jessica Ogle
Westfield School

Jessica Ogle, a year three pupil from Westfield School designed the ‘Blot’ is a device to help people with severe speech or hearing difficulties. This communication device converts speech to text and text to speech on a visual tablet with multiple communication inputs to be accessible to people with a range of communication difficulties.
Emily De Cecco
St. Teresa’s Catholic Primary School
The Forget Me Not

Emily De Cecco a year four pupil, from St. Teresa’s Catholic Primary School has designed ‘The Forget Me Not’ this device connects via Velcro to the child’s school bag and is programmed to remember the items needed on each day of the week for school.
Isobel Moat
Broadway East First School
Techno Tooth Brush

Isobel Moat is a year four pupil at Broadway East First School designed the ‘Techno Tooth Brush’ which stores a number of tunes which it shows on a display panel. The user selects a song and brushes along. After 2 minutes a buzzer is activated to show that the required amount of brushing has been achieved and a performance score of toothbrushing is displayed to show the effectiveness of the exercise.
Caitlin Hall
Hadrian Park Primary School
The Energy Power Creator

Caitlin Hall, a year five pupil, attends Hadrian Park Primary School designed ‘The Energy Power Creator’ uses hydroelectric principles within a domestic situation utilising drainpipes from gutters. A rotating spindle is attached to a small generator and the force of the rainwater plus gravity causes the spindle to rotate and electricity is generated. This could be enough to power a light or charge a battery.
Kayla-Jay Carr
Bothal Primary School
Medicine Reminder

Kayla-Jay Carr is a year five pupil from Bothal Primary School designed the ‘Medicine Reminder’ a dispensing machine for people who may forget when to take their tablets. The memory of the machine is loaded with the daily schedule and programmed with times that each individual tablet
is to be taken.
Alexander Pawlak
St. Teresa’s Catholic Primary School

Alexander Pawlak is a year six pupil at St. Teresa’s Catholic Primary School who designed the ‘Purifa’ a device replaces the traditional plastic rings that hold beer and other canned drinks together. These plastic devices often find their way into the oceans harming sea creatures or are dispatched into landfill.
James Swift
Dame Allan’s Junior School
Rugby Safe

James Swift, year 6 pupil, attends Dame Allan’s Junior School designed ‘Rugby Safe’ a Headguard, to be worn by Rugby players, looks and works as a protector worn by Rugby players currently, however, this helmet is fitted with sensors which detect levels of impact that could cause a concussion.
Charlotte Hunter
Dame Allan’s Secondary School
Food-IE Printer

Charlotte Hunter, is a year seven student from Dame Allan’s Secondary School who designed the ‘Food-IE Printer’ that uses ingredients within the fridge or kitchen cupboards at any one time to create a fabulous meal. The machine is connected to an app which allows the user to match the ingredients they have to recipe ingredients.
Sophie Thornton
Dame Allan’s Secondary School
Specky For Eyes

Sophie Thornton is a year seven student attending Dame Allan’s Secondary School. She has designed ‘Specky For Eyes’ which could help people needing glasses of certain prescriptions for either eye in third world countries where electricity is hard to source to power conventional equipment used by Opticians.
Iris Rawsthorne
Monkseaton Middle School
Active Energy

Iris Rawsthorne a year eight student who attends Monkseaton Middle School, has designed ‘Active Energy’ that uses pedal technology to generate electricity to power a range of devices or charge a battery for later use. The motion to rotate the pedals is from human muscle power and the more power generated the fitter the nation becomes.
Samuel Poma Velastegui
St. Cuthbert’s Catholic High School
Tape Wire

Samuel Poma Velastegui, a year nine student from St. Cuthbert’s Catholic High School, has designed ‘Tape Wire’ instead of running long electrical extension cables across floors creating tripping hazards use tape-wire instead. This can adhere to skirting-boards around the perimeter of a room or on walls. It does not remove paint or paper and it does not leave a sticky residue behind.

Leaders Award 2019-2020 Registration Open Now!
Deadline 10th September 2020.

Leaders Award 2019-2020 Registration Open Now!
Deadline 10th September 2020