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Series 2 Episode 5: Royal International Air Tattoo Special

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A special episode of the podcast recorded at the Royal International Air Tattoo 2022, at RAF Fairford.

As aircraft soar overhead a busy Techno Zone and Inspire Stage, we hear from many of the exhibitors who pitched up for the event, including ejector seat manufacturers Martin Baker, the aerospace division of Rolls Royce, and a glider pilot whose hobby sounds both frightening and incredible in equal measure.

We also meet Justine Morton OBE, Director of the Royal Air Force Charitable Trust, who gives us a glimpse into the history of RIAT, and tells us about her fascinating career path.

Mark and George from the Civil Aviation Authority join the mix, before we chat to Haydn Jakes who was awarded an MBE for his achievements as an aircraft engineering apprentice.

In keeping with the rest of the series, we hear from some of the university teams tasked with turning the winning ideas from the ‘If You Were An Engineer’ competition into working prototypes. We’re joined by Andrew Firth from Edinburgh University, and Tim Woolman from the University of Southampton.

And, as always, we share the engineering ideas of children – this time with thanks to the Brownies.

This week it comes from George at the Civil Aviation Authority: “How can we reduce the noise footprint, both in the aircraft and outside of the aircraft, especially for the people on the ground?”

If you’d like to get in touch, follow us on Twitter @Leadersaward, @primaryengineer and head over to our Primary Engineer You Tube Channel and be inspired!

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Series 2 of the podcast is supported by The Royal Air Force Charitable Trust

The charity that promotes the Royal Air Force and inspires young people and RAF personnel to fulfil their potential in air, space and technology.